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concrete chaos
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Joined: 07/08/03
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concrete chaos
Registered User
Joined: 07/08/03
Posts: 189
01/20/2004 8:46 am
im not really sure usually im used to high action on my acoustics, but its beating the xxit outta me to play barre chords, its not the strength, but i have to apply soo much pressure that its slows me down and the playing isnt soft..and sounds horrible, on an acoustic. [so were getting that sorted out later after work]

on my electric i can afford a bit more high action cus its smooth to play, i have .10 strings.

Now what exactly were u getting at havng it too low...i mean about the gibsons cus i really like them and would like to get one maybe they are high action..or does that vary with the style u play say metal would go better on high action

its prolly just according to how u feel best playing high or low action...but i havnt played other guitars cept my own.

'i dont have low self esteem, it's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else' - Daria