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Joined: 11/19/03
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Joined: 11/19/03
Posts: 143
01/15/2004 1:00 pm
1) Blackwater Park - Opeth

2) Animals - Pink Floyd (one of many great Pink Floyd albums that are awesome to listen to from start to finish)

3) Band Of Gypsys - Jimi Hendrix

4) IV - Led Zeppelin

5) Lateralus - Tool

6) Three - John Butler Trio (an amazing album from a great Australian band. Great solos from John Butler using a 12 string guitar with 11 strings, best shown in the song 'Betterman')

7) Blood Sugar Sex Magik - Red Hot Chili Peppers (their best and before John Fruciante turned into a bum)

8) Strapping Young Lad - Strapping Young Lad (one of the best metal albums around and usually overlooked)

9) C*nt - Blood Duster (a suprisingly catchy, porngrove/grindcore/death metal album. Very amusing with song titles like 'don'tcallmehomeboyya'c*nt', 'ijustfinishedsuckingoffmetalheadsinthemensurinals', 'iloveitwhenjoepesciswears' and 'anotherslackarsedaussieband'. It's also funny seeing them holding up "Fred (Durst) Gets Me Stiff" signs in the 'pornstorestiffi' video clip)

10) Manipulating Agent - Katalyst (a great easy-listening, groove and funk-driven album. Great scratching too)
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