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Grizzled Spellchecker
Joined: 05/09/00
Posts: 2,233
Grizzled Spellchecker
Joined: 05/09/00
Posts: 2,233
01/15/2004 4:55 am
Originally posted by Jolly McJollyson
Originally posted by eggman

just fixed up your quote tag
- eggman

[Edited by iamthe_eggman on 01-14-2004 at 09:20 AM]

That's sweet of you. Dude, you really get a kick out of this post-editing thing, don't you? [/B]

Not really, but I am slightly obsessive-compulsive, so it really irks me to see a post that looks all messy, when it is so simple to make it look clean and nice.

If you think I'm bad, though, take a look at Lordathestrings... if he was a SuperMod, things'd be waaay different around here...(in a very good way, but that's the OCD talkin')
... and that's all I have to say about that.

[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
