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Joined: 05/14/03
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Joined: 05/14/03
Posts: 603
01/18/2004 4:40 pm
Originally posted by Axl_Rose

People who use all those terms are known as "neds", the come from Glasgow, support Celtic or Rangers, where cheap gold chains and rings, addidas trainers, track suits, baseball caps, and like dance music! :)

Hey axl, over here we call those people "townies" usually and me and all my friends hate them :)

Where abouts do you live in scotland ? My friend lives up there and talks like you do on msn to me and i never know what she is on about.
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.