I know sagamusic makes some right-handed ones and there were some left-handed ones on eBay but I don't want to buy on eBay and I want a new one. Are there any companies that currently make the left-handed ones?
left-handed electric guitar builder kits?

Where can I find kits to build a left-handed electric guitar?
I know sagamusic makes some right-handed ones and there were some left-handed ones on eBay but I don't want to buy on eBay and I want a new one. Are there any companies that currently make the left-handed ones?
I know sagamusic makes some right-handed ones and there were some left-handed ones on eBay but I don't want to buy on eBay and I want a new one. Are there any companies that currently make the left-handed ones?
# 1
i guess almost every guitar is available as south-paw version too if i´m not sadly mistaken. just ask you local dealer .
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 2

I've heard that MightyMite stuff has great quality and it's
very affordable too. If you're into Fenders, that is.
very affordable too. If you're into Fenders, that is.
# 3

How about kits under $200? Unless I get something like the Squier Stratocaster for $230 or a Ibanez for $230 at musiciansfriend.
# 5

I don't know... I'm not a real big believer in "Kit Guitars". Hell you might as well buy a built one if you are going to go that route. There is nothing like the feeling of starting with a slab of wood and making something musical out of it. And even scratchbuilding usually isn't always the cheapest way to go. After wood selection and parts I usually end up spending almost twice what I would have spent buying a prebuilt stock one. But then again, I can say I handbuilt it myself.
So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?
# 6