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Joined: 09/19/02
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Joined: 09/19/02
Posts: 3,941
01/09/2004 5:46 pm
I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting for Velvet Revolver! I've heard a few horrible bootlegg recordings of a live show and from what I could hear they are very tight. I'm also looking forward to the new Aerosmith album. I don't know enough about anybody new to look forward to anyone else. I've alway's loved slash is why I can't wait for the Velvet Revolver album. I've only disliked him once(and it probably wasn't even his fault). I was going to see AC/DC in concert in Memphis, Tn. and Slash and the Snakepit were supposed to open for them. That's the main reason I wanted to go, but they ended up canceling for some reason and some other small band did the opening show. Oh well, maybe they'll come around again.
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Tonja Renee's personal instructor[/FONT]