View post (Help!!! What ibanez rg model to choose????)

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Joined: 10/27/03
Posts: 90
Joined: 10/27/03
Posts: 90
01/05/2004 12:10 am
Why do you want an Ibanez anyway (or do you guys own a Ibanez)?

Ibanez has given me 2 fantastic acoustisc guitars, I wouldn't trade them for the world, but electric I just dont see why a allot of people want Ibanez.

The BC Rich your playing is the cheapest BC Rich available btw, but then again it has proven its worth to you, as you told us. Why dont you get yourself another BC Rich, Bronze is the cheapest serie, you can get much better ones just 1 step up in the price (for about $400-500 you get yourself a nice platinum serie)

Metallica arnt playing Ibanez, I thought Dimmu played BC Rich, and John Petrucci does play Ibanez