Hello. I've searched the web far and near, and can't find a single thing that states what double stops are, and exactly how to execute them. Please help.
Thank you,
please send reply to: gmpep3@yahoo.com
jake sommers
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Joined: 03/09/00
Posts: 442
jake sommers
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Posts: 442
09/17/2000 1:07 am
double stops are two notes played at the same time, they kinda give you a little taste of a whole chord while playing used a lot in blues and country(really all types of music), check out the original tricks they have some double stop tricks in there.
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/04/00
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/04/00
Posts: 32
09/17/2000 3:58 am
I will try to help you, A double stop is when you hit 2 strings at the same time, ok thats the double part of it, ok then you stop,for a split second, thats the stop part of it, thats why its called double stops, thats the simplest way i know how to put it.
It really helps if you use a hybrid picking style -- especially when you start playing with a lot of string skipping like say a note on the 1st string and one on the 3rd or 4th. Many of the country licks that incorporate double stops are simply unplayable without hybrid picking. http://shredlikehell.com