Now the notes are as followed Ab C F C F G
Now I was curious what that would be called. Now if you're going with Ab then it would be the 1,3,6,7 so I would assume something like Ab6/7 or something, I'm not sure if that wording removes the 5th from the chord or not.
Since it's pretty much a Dsus2 'shape' with a base note added and a capo on the third fret, I was wondering if it would simply be in F. So maybe an Fmadd9/Ab. But since the only Ab is the base note, would it simply be Fsus2/Ab. I was a little confused as what to use also since there is not only the one bass note lower than the root F. The C in there being lower than the root note threw me off aswell. Damn inversions and sucheries.
Well I hope that made enough sense for someone to respond, any assistance to help me further my musical understandings would be appreaciative.
~Trent Jacob Liberty~