Help with a chord

Trent J Liberty
Joined: 12/01/03
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Trent J Liberty
Joined: 12/01/03
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12/24/2003 4:36 am
Ok so here's the chord shape I'm wondering about


Now the notes are as followed Ab C F C F G

Now I was curious what that would be called. Now if you're going with Ab then it would be the 1,3,6,7 so I would assume something like Ab6/7 or something, I'm not sure if that wording removes the 5th from the chord or not.

Since it's pretty much a Dsus2 'shape' with a base note added and a capo on the third fret, I was wondering if it would simply be in F. So maybe an Fmadd9/Ab. But since the only Ab is the base note, would it simply be Fsus2/Ab. I was a little confused as what to use also since there is not only the one bass note lower than the root F. The C in there being lower than the root note threw me off aswell. Damn inversions and sucheries.

Well I hope that made enough sense for someone to respond, any assistance to help me further my musical understandings would be appreaciative.
~Trent Jacob Liberty~

# 1
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12/24/2003 3:21 pm
Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
# 2
Trent J Liberty
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Trent J Liberty
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12/24/2003 3:32 pm
Thank you :)
~Trent Jacob Liberty~

# 3
chris mood
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chris mood
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12/25/2003 5:52 am
Ab/G# is a pretty odd bass note to put over a Csus chord.
I think it may be a little better theoretically to refer to that as a Fmin add9 / Ab.
# 4
Trent J Liberty
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Trent J Liberty
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12/25/2003 8:01 pm
That's what I was originally going with so I think I'll use that.

Is there any specific reason for using the F chord, other than that an Ab is just 'odd'?
~Trent Jacob Liberty~

# 5
chris mood
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chris mood
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12/26/2003 4:23 am
Becuase all the notes given can be explained logically within an Fminor 9th there's no need to complicate matters by explaining it as a Csus/Ab...although the final decision is based on how the chord functions within the context of the progression, it is possible this chord is acting as a dominant 5 chord within F harmonic minor.
# 6
Gargoyle Instructor
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Gargoyle Instructor
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12/28/2003 12:40 pm
Possible Chord Names:



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# 7
Trent J Liberty
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Trent J Liberty
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12/30/2003 12:34 am
... ... ... thanks Az. I think I'll just stay with the F. Lol but thanks for going through the trouble of figuring all of those out. Although I doubt it took you long, I still appreciate it.
~Trent Jacob Liberty~

# 8

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