I've got a Crybaby 535Q (with the band adjuster knobbie) and in the past few weeks or so, I've been having some problems with it. I'll be wah-ing away, not a care in the world, and, all of a sudden, every time that I hit the toe down (full treble) position, it cuts out. If I adjust the travel of the wah to avoid the upper section, it works fine, but as soon as I hit full-on treble, there is no sound (or perhaps almost no sound; it's only happened when jamming, so it's hard to hear).
I think it could be either:
The switch, since it may be that it's a little loose and sensitive to slight taps, or
The pot, but I don't see how the top 10% or so of the pot's rotation can die.[/list=1]
I thought I'd ask in the forum since maybe this is a common problem and there's a quick fix out there (like swapping out the pot or the switch).
Thanks for your help, guys!
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]