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Grizzled Spellchecker
Joined: 05/09/00
Posts: 2,233
Grizzled Spellchecker
Joined: 05/09/00
Posts: 2,233
12/22/2003 3:38 am
Originally posted by Polera
Well eggman i have 2 residences, one in north york, and one in scarborough...i actually live on York U campus during school and in scarlem when im out of you know im a badass!

LOL... never heard it called "scarlem" before... although that's pretty accurate.

I drive by York every day. So I guess you didn't have the grades to get into university, eh? (Sorry, that's the obligatory York University dig...)

P.S. Please don't have your gangsta friends shoot me...
... and that's all I have to say about that.

[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
