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Joined: 07/29/02
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Joined: 07/29/02
Posts: 2,368
12/15/2003 10:36 pm
Originally posted by Jolly McJollyson
Look, whether you like George Bush or not, you have to admit that Saddam Hussein has done some very evil things to the Iraqi people. Was this justification enough to go to war? THAT is a question we can argue on. Saddam Hussein does deserve death for the atrocities he has commited, but is it the job of the United States to punish him? I believe it is, others do not. THAT is the real issue here. We should all be ecstatic that such a man as Hussein (a mass murderer and torturer of hundreds of thousands) is no longer causing pain to others, but we do not all have to agree that the war was justified (and I can see very well that we do NOT all agree on this!). So bash our president all you want, but don't give Hussein any kind words, he deserves none of them.

Iraq wasn't the biggest threat to America though. North Korea was, and is to this day. The only reason we didn't go to North Korea is because we knew we would lose, judging from history. I don't see how we think as Americans that it is our job to fix everything. We could of atleast waited, and been more diplomatic. But no, we had to go marching into Iraq like the patriotic nuts we were at the time. Thats the thing about things like 9-11 and Pearl Harbor, it stabilizes public opinion. Whether the public opinion was right or not... is apparent to me. No it wasn't. Americans are dying, and no terrorist is worth their lives.
All this heightened security is a bunch of bs too. Arming pilots is just asking for another terrorist attack if you ask me. Plus, people aren't stupid. If someone tries to high-jack a plane again, the passengers will do something about it. The problem with 911 was that no one knew what was going to happen. The heightened security is just to make white yuppies to feel safe I suppose.
The Patriotic Act as far as allowing any airport security people check out someone who looks suspicious. That was a product of 911. It violates our Bill of Rights. Grr... makes me so angry.
Once again I have digressed from studying for my exams... so adios!