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Joined: 10/31/01
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Joined: 10/31/01
Posts: 611
12/15/2003 3:47 pm
I heard that Tony Blair was "Ecstatic", an indication of how much power people as symbols can accrue despite their becoming entirely irrelevant to the situation. Saddam's capture is almost entirely pointless.
Horrifyingly enough it's just an opportunity for Mr. Bush to make an emotive speech about accomplishing justice and putting a criminal into the hands of his people to be judged.
The sight of the man (Bush) makes me feel like vomitting at the best of times, there's something about his facial expressions (his corrugated brow) which suggests to me that he's thinking "Do they really believe what I'm telling them? Are people really that stupid?".
So, whilst Saddam awaits a death penalty at the hands of his people the emthasis is shifted away from all the casualties Bush has created with his "humanitarian" war mongering. So what will become of the illegally detained and, dare I say it, possibly innocent people kept at Guatanamo bay, which isn't even American territory by the American Military? THen of course he has barred Russia, Germany and France from having dealings with the "restored" Iraq. It's like war casualties have become shares options.
If life really is so cheap then why do so many people have to pay so much for Bush's..?
If I couldn't laugh at myself how could I laugh at someone less ridiculous?