Bush n Blair!

Hitlers Aryan ideas, and anti-semitism, go much further back than WW2. When he lived in Vienna, he studied a writer who was obsessed by the idea of 'racialism', and was basically prophesising an Aryan race that would one day rule the world, very similar to the KKK's current 'plan' for america. Anti-semitism in the media had been the norm in Europe for years, even the French under Napoleon blamed the Jews for the Panama Canal fiasco, and most of the rest of their problems too.
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Actually Hitler's antiseminism ideas go alot farther back, all the way back till the death of his mother, which he blamed on the Jews. I think he was only 19 at the time. That alone wouldn't have got him to be the leader of germany. Germany's lose in World War 1 was where the path started. While fighting in World War 1 as a runner, he was injured and hospitalized. It was during this time, Germany surrender. Of course he blamed it on the Jews. Because of this anger he was employed as a V-man after the treaty of Versaillias (sp). Then he joined the Workers' Party and became there propaganda officer. This party remained small and no more than a nuisance until 1923 when influatation occured. People then became angry at the currect government, then flocked to the Workers' Party. The rest is history... If world war 1 never happened, I doubt Hitler would have prospered cause he was practically homeless and no body would take him in. His salvation began when germany needed soldiers for the war. This is how deperate germany was, hitler applied for the Austrian army but was rejected because he was too weak to carry a weapon. What happened after the war is what made hitler soar the rank, but he would have never gotten a job afterwards, and wouldn't even have made the german army if they weren't so desperate. That's why I beleive hitler would never have been more than another bum without world war 1.
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.
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