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Karma In The South
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Joined: 08/28/03
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Karma In The South
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Joined: 08/28/03
Posts: 102
11/26/2003 11:32 pm
Well I believe Hitlers rise to power was definitely aided by the economic situation of Weimar Germany in the wake of the stock market crash, it wasnt his motivation. There were huge sanctions placed on Germany by the Triple Alliance after WW1, unlike any sanctions placed before or since and were clearly an act of pure revenge on Frances part for Germanys occupation of France after the they won the France-Prussian war(occupieds not the right word but I cant think now), even the venue of Versaille is telling of what the French planned to do. They placed ridiculous sanctions on Germany, many of them economically crippling, but it was more the symbollic act that angered most, especially Hitler. That, for me, was his main motivation for WW2, moreso than his Aryan race asperations. It was the reason it became a world war, Hitler originally wanted just to take back what land Russia had signed over to Germany during WW1, but the Versaille Treaty had given back to Russia, plus parts of Czecheslovakia, Austria, Poland and some balkan states, anywhere where Germanic races lived really. But the humiliation of Versailles made him keep an eye on France. But it could easily have been prevented, Hitler saw the League of Nations stand by as Italy conquered Abyssinia, watched him break the Versailles Treaty with 10 times the army he was supposed to have, Britain even signed a Naval treaty with Hitler allowing him as many submarines as he liked, yet they never suspected a thing. He recaptured the Rhineland and noone batted an eyelid. Neville Chamberlain was smitten with him!! My point is, opression leads to rebellion and rebellion can lead to world wars. Keep an eye of Palestine, Serbia, Iraq, Iran etc.