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Crime Fighter
Joined: 08/04/02
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Crime Fighter
Joined: 08/04/02
Posts: 1,518
11/26/2003 10:16 pm
Originally posted by Azrael
*sighs* you realy believe that, dont you? ok..

Bad economic development is the basics for a military conflicts. [/B]

Yes I do believe that, I also believe what you believe. Wars do have there seeds planted by bad economic situations, but wars can be started by other means. Hitler and things that happened are directly linked to the bad economic situation after WW1, where I too believe and am disgusting by the crap Germany got afterwards. The reason I believe World war 2 had to be faught didn't become news until the war was almost over but it's a pretty powerful justification. Hitler did have to be stopped for the right of every human being on this planet. Hitler did not fight to fix the ecomonic problem, he used the economic problem to start a war. There is a difference.

Like you said the problem is in the materialistic world we live in. That can't change, it's human nature. Really nature itself. Fact is no one wants to give and there is no understanding and share/trade amongst all nations. Post World War 2, the divide between Russia and America. Wars will always be because theres always a fool that keeps peace from happening. No good without evil, no peace without war. There will be many wars, many more hitlers and a decade may be wishful thinking before the next major conflict. Generally they happen every generation, but I too believe a serious one is brewing. It will be without battle lines but guerilla war on the streets of America.

"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.