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Gargoyle Instructor
Joined: 04/06/01
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Gargoyle Instructor
Joined: 04/06/01
Posts: 2,093
11/26/2003 5:42 pm
Originally posted by noticingthemistake
There is only one war that had to be fought in the last century, that's World War II. That was a war for a real cause, for humanity.

*sighs* you realy believe that, dont you? ok..

Bad economic development is the basics for a military conflicts.

WW 2:

in the 1920´s, after the first world war, the world was experiencing an enormous economic uplift. stock market literally exploded. that development ended abruptly with the big bang in NY in october 1929. Capital receeded from the market due to ever rising insecurity. that caused a dramatic price-drop. Because of that deflation the turnover of goods receeded also because everyone was waiting for the prices to drop even further. enterprises where forced to fire thousands of people, thus decreasing the purchasing power even more. alot of banks had to close for the loans could not be repaid. the situation was hopeless. only with WW2 the economy rose to new heights because weapon industry offered promising possibilities to invest money again.

in germany the economic situation was even worse after the crash. the amount of money circulating in germany was bound to the gold-standard, meaning that a certain percentage of the value of the money had to be stored in gold and was therefore bound to the value of gold. when amierica retrieved their gold from germany, the gouvernment was forced to take alot of money out of the german economy. at that time the law was, that 1/3 of the value of the currency had to be stored in gold at the reichsbank. so for every unit of gold that was retrieved by america, the gouvernment had to retrieve 3 units worth money from the german economy. that, of course lead to massive deflation. the average income sank by 40% between 1928 and 1932 and the gross-investments even by 75%. economic perspectives where getting darker and darker and there was a big rise in unemployment. in this situation the radical NSDAP managed to rise from a lil party-fragment to the biggest party in germany on a 1:1 ratio with the growth of unemployment.

after a war there is very ofteh the impression, that it was unpredictable. but the truth is, that in most cases, everyone with some basic knowledge in financial matters has been able to forsee it.

here are a few examples:

Prof. Ruhland (1908) warned 6 years before WW1
"when excessivley taking the advantage of loans, with the help of bank and stock-capital, a national aswell as an international chaining of private enterprises takes place in what seems to be a well-planned manner. this, in our belligerent age, will one day lead to a crisis. a crisis of an extent that has hardly been experienced by any nation in history"

Ruhland entitled the war as "source of income for the rich". more and more capital is gathered in the hands a fewer and fewer persons and as a consequence those super-rich will come into conflict and fight themselves. it is because of tremendous depts that nations are involved in conflicts

Graf von Moltke (1800-1891) commander of the prussian army said on behalf of the wars of that time:
the big wars of the new age have been started against the will of the gouvernments. the stock-marked has gained so much power, that it can call to arms on behalf of its goals."

Silvio Gesell, 1918
Silvio Gesell, a german bussinessman in argentinia, who was one of the first to introduce an economic system without interests, warned already in 1918 (!!)- after the peace-yearning of WW1 - of another armed konflict.
"despite the holy promise of nations, to abandon war for all times and despite the cry of millions 'no war ever again' and despite all hopes for a better future, you have to say: when we keep todays monetary system of interest, then i dare to predict, that it wont last for 25 years untill there will be another, even more gruesome war.
i can see the development very clearly. todays technical abilities will help the economy to rise quickly to unknown heights. despite of the big war losses alot of new capital will form within no time and keep the interest low. money will be hoarded. the economic spaces will shirnk and masses of unimployees will fill the streets. you will be able to read signs on the borders saying 'people without work are not permitted - only lazy folks with alot of money are welcome'.
like in the old days there will be conflicts on estates and there will be new weapons to be constructed. at least for the unemployees there will be work again in the weapon industry. within the dissatisfied masses wild, revolutional mindedness will arise and the poisenous plant of over-natianalism will grow rampant again. no country will be able to understand the other and in the end there will be war again"

as you can see, the armed conflicts of the past WHERE predictable. but noone seems to have learned from history. today, war is described as "meassures to bring peace". by that, one understands the attempt to foce brutal dictators by the use of weapons to give in to western doctrines. but that wont change the cause in the financial system, nore will there be piece installed in the soviety.

the bombardements and sanctions on serbia for example threw the country back to the economic level of 1968! with such meassures the preassure on the country grows, to forcefully expand its economic area - sanctions force a country to war.

dont you see where this all leads to?

i give the WORLD another 10, maybe 15 years untill there will be pure, utter chaos. WW3 is not far.

[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]