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Crime Fighter
Joined: 08/04/02
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Crime Fighter
Joined: 08/04/02
Posts: 1,518
11/26/2003 2:51 pm
Originally posted by Azrael
i give us maybe another 10 years.

The United States or the World?

War has to exist to have peace, in the same manner that there has to be dark for there to be light. Those who think that if we keep fighting we'll have peace are fools. We'll just keep fighting. The world needs to choose it's battles better for things to get better, not perfect. There will always be war, because there are always fools to start it. There is only one war that had to be fought in the last century, that's World War II. That was a war for a real cause, for humanity.

This last war on Iraq was just to conquer new lands. Notice how before the war "we weren't occupying", now Bush is quoting saying "occupied". Terrorism my ass! Who's the real enemy on the war on terrorism, that's the question I ponder now? Sure the Al-Quida is a group of violent vigilantes, but they are also fighting for there way of life in some sense. Twisted as it may be, I'm not pro-al-quida. But I understanding because it's similar to 18th century America in that the Brits saw the american rebels as terrorist because they faught to be free. On the other side, Bush n Blair are dropping bombs on towns, then rebuilding it in their own face. Their fighting to keep us from changing there way of life, we're putting computers and nice shiny technology in there back yard. To me that's just throwing gasoline on a fire and makes us look like the terrorists. As a president thats a horrible choice to even the simplest of minds, and I don't believe he's that dumb.

Terrorism must be fought with an understanding (even though I believe it is too late), cause every gunshot on the field of battle puts terror into a thousand minds. America needs to pull out of the middle east and stop trying to be the prince valiant for peace. We are really only the bringers of more terror. The only true way to defeat terror is to deny it battle. If it must be fought shouldn't we be fighting the terrorists, not an already weakened nation like some bully saying, "we'll show them the might of the US military". That'll solve it all. :rolleyes: I'm sure they're quivering in there boots right now. "LOL"

I know it's a step away from the economic debate going on now, but my answer to America's reccession is "well billions of dollars building another nation".

[Edited by noticingthemistake on 11-26-2003 at 09:03 AM]
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