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Gargoyle Instructor
Joined: 04/06/01
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Gargoyle Instructor
Joined: 04/06/01
Posts: 2,093
11/23/2003 4:27 pm
the main problem of this planet is the current monetary system.

The media tells us that we live in "the best of all worlds", that we have never made such a tremendous amount of progress and that the future perspectives are very promising. But noone realy dares to look behind the system to realize that our society stands at the brink of decay and is doomed to fall, and that our current World is by no means one of the best. a review of our history shows, that (as pantallica said) the mechanisms keep repeating themselves and that the present is not an exception from that. the development is always from boom to crash to crisis to war. and the development of the monetary system has always been the driving force to that.

Usury has rightly made itself hated becasue money ITSELF is now the source of profit. money is not used to what it should be. It has been made for the exchange of goods. but interests are money FROM money and therefore is the most unnatural line of business" - Aristoteles

Our interest-system is a system with expiry date. You can look at it as if it was a monopoly game. Someone is lucky to start under good conditions and earns more money then the others. he gives loans from that capital and demands interests. that was he earns even more money and can give even more lonas etc etc.. the others in the game lose more and more of their money and the pressure and competition increases. the amounts that are paid to the winners multiply themselves very quickly. at an interest rate of 7% the amount of interests that have to be payed doubles every 10 years for example.
i´ll take germany as an example (for obvious reasons since it is our neighbour country): germany had to pay (a few years ago when there was still the old currency) 1000 billion DM of interests (depts of the country, business, housholds and indirect interests). in 50 years it will be 64,000 billon DM and in 100 years 2,048,000 billion DM. HOW should that be payed????

If we want to understand history and learn from the failures of the past, we first have to understand the basicas of money. Culture is based on the society. society is based on economy and economy is based on the monetary system. So when there are problems in the monetary system they instantly affect on the economy, society and culture. when the financial system collapses completely, then society collapses aswell.

And when you search for the driving force in the monetary system you´ll find the compulsion of every economic area to get into dept.
the depts can NEVER be repaid, but instead grow each year by the given interest-rate. it is important to not only look at the depts of the state, but also at the depts of the economy and the private housholds. when for example the country - as in america - causes less depts, the growth of depts in the ecomomy rises even more.

On balance you can say that everywhere on the planet at any time when there was a monetary system with interests to be paid, the depts exploded and lead to a collapse. the growth of depts is the absolute counterpart to natural growth. while every natural growth starts fast and slows down after a while, the growth of interests starts slow but after a while it explodes into infinity. compound interest is making it even worse. but since we live in a finite world, an infinite system HAS to fail and lead into chaos. its the same as cancer. at the beginning it is only one cell, but it divides onto 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. untill there is no space left and the body dies. its the same with an avalanche or an atomic bomb. every system that is based on an exponantial compond interest MUST fail.
the final stage is normally accompanied by a boom at the stock-market because the ever growing interest-capital is in need for further means of beeing invested. a crash and economic crisis is the direct result. and that leads in most cases to war which creates new posibilities to invest the capital profitably.

a good example for a interest-system in the final stage is the crisis of 1873. enterprises have been founded with massive indebteness and converted into joint-stock companies. the companies where extremely overrated. the value of the stock was in most cases 3 or 4 times bigger then the actual value of the company. more and more peeps entered the stock marked (does this sound familiar?). with all sorts of tricks (mostly trough mass-media) more and more people where lead to the stock market. in 1871 and 1872 there was virtually 1 new enterprise at the sock market PER DAY. the development was acompanied by ever rising costs for lodging. because from the upper strata of society there was a massive run for luxurious property. the development terminated in march 1873 in a collapse and the population was plunged onto poverty. hundred-thousands lost the basis of their livelihood. the crisis lasted 23 years and ended around the turn of the century in a time where booms and crashes alternated untill the whole development lead to World War I.

"The system of capitalism means eternal war. Wars are attempts to solve economic problems in a capitalistic way. the decisive question of the peace movement is: 'will we succeed in removing capitalism from the society?' When capitalism prevails, then the age of everlasting war will continue irrespective of all peace-conferences." - prof. Ruhland, System of political economy, 1908

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