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Jolly McJollyson
Chick Magnet
Joined: 09/07/03
Posts: 5,457
Jolly McJollyson
Chick Magnet
Joined: 09/07/03
Posts: 5,457
11/22/2003 9:14 pm
Originally posted by PonyOne
I think that Bush is one of the worst presidents we've had in the history of this nation...[/B]

I don't know about that. We've had WAY worse presidents than Bush. Take Garfield, Hayes, Tyler, and Filmore for example. Clinton, too, was a worse president than Bush has been so far. I mean, look at Clinton's presidency! It started out on the crestwave of an economic boom, Clinton represented the nations new need for a moderate president (supporting states rights and whatnot). He rode into office a popular man considering that he had beaten a president who at one point held the highest approval rating EVER. Clinton then began large spending programs to help the poor. Everything seemed to be going Clinton. Then, straight out of hell itself, the federal government seemed to be running out of the money it had promised to states for Block and catagorical grants. Clinton had, as most idiots do, failed to realize that federal money is limited. Soon the USS Cole was bombed. Clinton decided that instead of taking action, he would launch 1 or 2 cruise missiles. Such impotency is unforgiveable. Clinton also bombed Baghdad for a week and a half straight. Where were the so-called "no war for oil" protesters then? Probably in the same place as Monica Lewinsky, under Clinton's desk. At the end of Clinton's presidency, the economy tanked, leaving us with the recession that we still live under today. Now the economy is back on the rise, and unemployment is going down. Whose doing is this? I can't tell you, but it's certainly not Clinton's!
I want the bomb
I want the P-funk!

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