Anyways, there was a really cool thing that Kid Rock did. He was doing a cover of "Feel Like Making Love" (which, btw, I think is really stupid; to have a cover as the big single off an album, and then to parade it around while it's already being overplayed on the radio). Needless to say, I was not overly impressed as he started up; it was just him and an acoustic guitar, he was wearing a cowboy hat, and some unseen band playing a little bit of accompaniment. So, he's singing the first verse, it's pretty lame, and I think he'll break into the chorus and it'll be more lame. But what does he do, but, just before the chorus, jump up, literally throw (with quite some force) the acoustic to a crew guy, rips the cowboy hat off his head, grabs the mike, meanwhile, the curtain behind him flies up and there's a full band behind him.
There was a really stupid sign that must have been about 20 feet tall that said "LOVE", but I guess that could have been a really funny thing if Kid Rock was aware of the stupidity of it, which he probably is. There was this huge black mama playing drums and singing backup, which I thought was really cool, too! The guitarists were OK, but there wasn't as much focus on the solos as in the Bad Company version.
Anyways, I thought I'd share this with you, 'cause it blew me away when I saw it. Reminded me a bit of a trick that I heard Jethro Tull pulled in Hamilton...
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]