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11/16/2003 7:59 pm
I need every guitar player here, EVERY player. To answer a simple questionnaire. Its for my Design Technology major project. Im manufacturing a guitar case.

So here it is.

Are you satisfied with the standard cubic design of most cases?

What kind of design would you like to see in a gutiar case? (retro case design, basic black body with fur lining and so on.)

Should the case contain anything else such as a guitar tool kit or spare string packs?

Is the shape of the guitar case a big issue? Would you rather see a case with a unique design but still fulfill its need or would you prefer the usual cubic design?

Is there anything specific you are looking for in a guitar case? (add anything you want in the case here.)

Thanks for your help and time.
# 1
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11/16/2003 9:25 pm
The cubic/rectangular design is the only efficient form of cunstruction there is with slight variations(the coffin case for example).

Cases are for gigging and the protection while doing so.Any external material shuold be strong and wear resistant,shouldnt hold moisture(or let any in for that matter),but still should be some what appealing to the eye...I like diamond plate.Interior material must be 'fine finish friendly',resist moisture and be attractive...I dont know much about fabrics so I have no idea on an exact material.

If the case came with free strings,picks e.c.t.then that would be fine.

The shape of the case is limited by efficiancy.You can go all out with exterior design graphics and slight shape alterations(like the coffin case)or even make a cyclinder like shape,but if it cant fit in a compact car its no use to a working musician.

Few cases are truly universal...ive yet to see a case that can hold a jackson v,bc rich warlock,gibson lp and regular strat with equal effectivness.If you can make true universal case,then that would be something.It would be worth the slightly larger size.
Compartments are a great thing too.I see no reason why you wouldnt be able to throw in a couple of your favorite fx pedals.
there should also be a tremelo bar cavity so you dont have to remove it from trem/locked trem guitars for transport.
I would imagine there would be multiple cavities to accept different tremolo positions...the cavities might look like a pinwheel.If its going to be truly universal,then it must accomodate left handed guitars as well as right handed.
It shold also sport rubber casters for smooth transport.

And above all...keep the wieght to a minimum!

Later! \m/

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# 2
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11/16/2003 10:13 pm
Somewhere to properly store thinks like picks, extra strings, cleaning rag, toolkit, music books and especially the guitar cord would be nice. And the outside of the case should be smooth so you can put groovy stickers on it.
It should have a sturdy lock and a way to secure it to something else so it doesn't get stolen. A GPS tracking device would be cool. Metal corners so it doesn't scuff.
A hidden compartment would be kinda cool too...for uh...stuff. A built in bottle opener. A way to convert it into a music stand. And it should be pre-worn looking so new players don't look like total dorks the first time they go on the road.
# 3
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11/17/2003 1:40 am
What do you mean Digit. It should already come in variations of groovy stickers.

All kidding aside, if you could come up with something where the latches don't break that would be cool. It should be light but super heavy duty. Definitely needs to be able to take a beating. Also if you could do all this and keep the cost to oh.... $35 to $40 bucks, I will take 27....
So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?
# 4
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11/17/2003 2:14 am

All kidding aside, if you could come up with something where the latches don't break that would be cool. [/B][/QUOTE]
I'd have to agree with that one 100%. Somewhere told hold your picks securely in your case would be really nice. It gets tiresome sometimes them sliding all over the case, drives me nuts. It would also be nice on maybe the inside if there could a be a lever, holdy type thing that would adjust around the neck to ensure your guitar doesn't slide around within the case.

# 5
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11/17/2003 3:10 am
I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more storage space. Usually I'm cramming crap up around the fretboard and if I had a decent guitar I'd be worried about it. I don't know how you could change the design of the case and it's honestly not that big of a deal. Just for the few pedals, patch chords. ... alright so make the compartment deep enough to carry your standard pedal.
# 6
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11/17/2003 4:44 am
I've seen that even the cases supplied by the factories don't properly support the guitar.

Fender-type guitars, with the fret board parallel to the face of the body, need to have the neck supported at a higher level than the back of the body.

Les Paul type guitars, with the neck slanted back from the body, need to have the 'floor' of the case, and the neck support, match the neck-to-body angle. Too often, (more like always :p ), the neck-body joint area is unsupported.

Add in weather resistance, shock & vibration isolation, low weight, and recessed latches & handle, and you soon see that a properly designed case is a sophisticated balance of potentially conflicting requirements.

And speaking of balance, make it so a loaded case is comfortable to carry, without doing unkind things to your wrist!
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# 7
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11/17/2003 2:35 pm
yeah just put wheels and a handle on it like all these new fangled luggage companies do these days LOL
So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?
# 8
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11/17/2003 5:26 pm
Thanks for the replies. To counter the weight issues im moving the handle back a bit away fromt eh center of the case so its almost above where the body of the guitar will be. This is so that any central balancing issues are countered and it'll be easier to carry. Somethign that I personally find annoying is have the guitar tip to one side in the case becuase it's not firmly in position. So far the only way I can think of overcoming this problem is to ensure that the case is compact enough to stop the guitar having too much room to tip to one side.

As for overcoming the problem of different guitar profiles in the case to make it more universal. I've designed a method to have a basic slot for the guitar (with neck support.) and then additional foam blocks can be fixed in to match the profile of say, a Fender Telecaster. These blocks could then be moved and replaced with other foam blocks to fit the profile of something like an Ibanez. This is just an early design idea though. From the looks of it I may have to bring it all down to manufacturing a case for a series such as Fender Stratocaster's or Les Paul guitars.
# 9
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11/17/2003 5:57 pm
Ive got it!

Use that tempurpedic mattress material!It would form right under the guitar.
And you could pull it out to use as a pillow when sleeping on the pavement kicked out of a motel,drunk and angry!

Later! \m/
Try once,fail twice...
# 10
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11/17/2003 11:59 pm
Originally posted by chucklivesoninmyheart
... And you could pull it out to use as a pillow when sleeping on the pavement kicked out of a motel,drunk and angry! ...
{shudder} That brings back some unhappy memories! :eek:
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# 11
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12/31/2003 2:27 pm
Are you satisfied with the standard cubic design of most cases?
What kind of design would you like to see in a gutiar case? (retro case design, basic black body with fur lining and so on.)
Should the case contain anything else such as a guitar tool kit or spare string packs?
Is the shape of the guitar case a big issue? Would you rather see a case with a unique design but still fulfill its need or would you prefer the usual cubic design?
Is there anything specific you are looking for in a guitar case? (add anything you want in the case here.)
Have you noticed that the best songs always seem be the most simple take, the classic song, "batman"... I mean its just Batman and Na...
# 12
The Ace
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12/31/2003 4:35 pm
Originally posted by chucklivesoninmyheart
Ive got it!

Use that tempurpedic mattress material!It would form right under the guitar.

Ya then u cud put a beer on it, jump up and down on the stuff, and look the beer hasn't toppled over! thats great!

But seriously storage space is great...... I can't tell u how many times I've been aggravated by not bein able to put my stuff in the case

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# 13
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12/31/2003 5:47 pm
I think you should have 3 universal guitar cases. An electic one in the shape of a e-guitar. an acoustic one in the shape as well as a spare sponge for the cutout. And a coffin one for all the hybrids. Every case should have a pickholder somewhere. Tons of sponge aswell. I honestly think that would be great.
# 14
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12/31/2003 8:06 pm
Storage space, storage space, storage space...
It would be nice to be able to get at the least one pedal, 2 dozen picks, patch cord and a small tuner in a electric guitar case. Preferably seperated from each other. A space for holding music sheets or books is a must for any acoustic guitar case for me.
Case materials and shape doesn't really concern me too much. As long as the outside is basic black and is pretty durable I'm happy. A U shaped rubber neck holder would be nice. Something to securly hold the neck and keep the guitar from sliding around in the case without putting pressure on the strings or fret board.
Balance is also important for me. If it isn't balanced 50/50 then I find it better to have more weight towards the body of the guitar.
Anyway that's my two cents. Did I mention storage space?
Jimmie showed me alot of stuff, but there was a time when he warned, 'If you ask me to show you anything again, I'll kick your ass.' Well, I did and he did. - SRV
# 15
the fool
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12/31/2003 9:57 pm
what kind of case are you making and what kind of guitar?

If you ask me, for my les paul hollowbody, I want one that's not too big and bulky but something convenient like the les paul hard case but only (1) it supports the guitar very well (neck and body)(2) light weight but made out of of strong material that it can take any kind of beating whether be it snow, rain, or stupidity (if you can make this material fire resistant more props to you)(3)interior should be nice, soft, and safe enough for the guitar that it won't have any scratches and have tiny fibers sticking on the guitar (4) have a strong enough material for the lid-for instance, I always find that the fur bedding in my case is slowly disintegrating due to repeated contact with the guitar strings, (5) have strong latches (of course), (6) this is one of my main grudges in any "case" which I wish could be changed- the "space" capability of a guitar- i want to have lots of room for cleaning materials, tuners, cables, strap, capos, slides, head phones, and even those small portable amps (7) and some technology stuff like a gps for tracking if its stolen, a built- in hygrometer, built in- clock, and a lock that can't be easily broken into.
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...

I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
# 16
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01/01/2004 3:34 pm
I would like a case that is roomy and tyhe handles wont break when carrying it around.
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# 17
concrete chaos
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01/01/2004 11:33 pm
Are you satisfied with the standard cubic design of most cases?


What kind of design would you like to see in a gutiar case? (retro case design, basic black body with fur lining and so on.)

smooth outer case black, with fur lining. [incidentally if u have some of that fur lining spare id want my own coffin to rest in, lined with that.]

Should the case contain anything else such as a guitar tool kit or spare string packs?

if it had proper storage space for 'em - a concealed compartment to put allen keys, cleaning cloth, tuner, picks, cables, strings, that plastic thing that some players put round their finger, that looks like a smooth cast, hehe,
so that part closes up neatly. then u have ur guitar shape, to worry about, now although my case fits my guitar its still not its proper case, so there certain obvious designs that you can have for most strats etc..and Lp's...
come one case compnies we're buying a hard case for that purpose - to protect the guitar so i kinda would like it if it fit properly in its place, nice and snug. like a mother tucks her child in bed !!...
i dunno about this feature but perhaps it will work - a slit in the top part of the case - with a zipper around the edge - book slot, notes and a small storage that would fit thin paper back manuals/notebooks/song writing pads etc....

it would be cool to be able to put effects in there but that would still be impossible sometimes say u have loads of effect racks, pedals run diff sizes. etc...

a better looking locking device..and between the fur and bases there should be a revolutionary shock absorber that would withstand the toughest blows..anything can happen.
someone already mentioned tremolo cavity so thats a brillaint idea.

Is the shape of the guitar case a big issue? Would you rather see a case with a unique design but still fulfill its need or would you prefer the usual cubic design?

i like the nice rectangular case, or if u could make it look like im weilding a double edged axe, i would consider liking anything other than the box shapes.

Is there anything specific you are looking for in a guitar case? (add anything you want in the case here.)

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# 18
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01/02/2004 10:04 pm
Are you satisfied with the standard cubic design of most cases?


What kind of design would you like to see in a guitar case? (retro case design, basic black body with fur lining and so on.)

For shape I would personally like a nice trim rectangle with compartments under the lid (with lids) so when you opened it up you could get stuff out without moving the guitar if you didn't have to.

I think cases should be easily customized. I would want to be able to cover a case with colorful fur on the outside (except for the edges and corners, wouldn't last there) and porn on the inside, but that's just me.

Should the case contain anything else such as a guitar tool kit or spare string packs?

It should have space for those things, but they don't need to be shipped with it. It would be awesome if those were shipped with it, especially the tool kit or something like cleaning/polishing supplies, but I don't think that's the most important issue.

Is the shape of the guitar case a big issue? Would you rather see a case with a unique design but still fulfill its need or would you prefer the usual cubic design?

Cubic, in my opinion. For the differences in guitar shape the padded part for the guitar (the bottom of the case, top for compartments) should be able to be modified to fit different guitars. I can't remember what it's called, those things you can rearrange and affix to do that. It's possible. They're like blocks/triangles you set in place.(?)

Is there anything specific you are looking for in a guitar case? (add anything you want in the case here.)

Nothing I haven't mentioned already, except that light is good. Light is very very good. Also, it's a good idea to reinforce the edges and corners, especially if it's made for travelling. And as long as I'm describing a probably impossible case, insulation is a must. The case should be able to block outside temperatures decently, because nobody like tuning after every time they take their guitar outside.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 19

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