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Joined: 12/14/00
Posts: 1,322
11/09/2003 6:55 pm
From what I've heard, the Agile's are awesome instruments. I have heard they are probably the best guitar for their price.

I've been told to get one many times, just haven't had the money. I've seen many people convinced to buy them on another board, and they all wrote rave reviews.

I'd say give it a shot.

Here's what he said:
I wanted to spend some time with this little beauty before I posted any type of review..
I've got to say,, this guitar is by FAR the BEST Les Paul copy I've ever seen. I can't put it down I've played alot of Gibson's and Epi's lately.. Alot of them!! And this is better than some of the high dollar Gibsons I've played..
I've gone ove rthe entire guitar with a magnifying glass(really,I did) and I can't find a single blemish!! The Fret work is excellent! the binding is near perfect, the finish is flawless!

It came standard with Grover tuners,, The stock Pickups are more than passable, I'm usually the first one to rip out and replace stock pups but I'm leaving this one alone.

The neck fits like a glove.. No baseball bat neck like normal LP's,, I really can't find anything about this guitar that even remotely bothers me This guitar is so close to a Gibson that I can easily see Gibson initiating legal proceedings as a result.. I'm seriously considering getting another(Red Flame finish or maybe a Black Beauty) before Gibson puts an end to these.

These are every bit the value that my Kramer 424 was!!

and another user:
My Agile 2800 CSB came in yesterday. My first impressions are VERY favorable. Out of the box, the axe is stunning and drips of a guitar that costs WAY more than $289. The action is low and buzz free, frets highly polished. No adjustment needed whatsoever on the action.
The finish and workmanship is outstanding, much better than expected... ridiculously good for $300. The finish is like glass with no swirls, bumps, dings, or any defects. The binding work is very good with a smooth / crisp transition without any rough edges at all. The flame top looks great and is not a photo. Fret inlays are done cleanly. The ONLY micro defect I have detected thus far is a VERY small, maybe 1/8" area where the neck / fretboard lays on the top where the joint is not filled 100%. You need a magnifying glass to really see it. The does not feel like a cheap guitar in any way.

First impressions playing it are very good. I switched back and forth between my mahogony neck/body w/ maple cap Carvin SC90S (M22 pups) and the playability of the Agile is actually very comparable to the Carvin. In my hands, the Agile has a slighly fatter neck, but close. Intonation on the Agile was good with no issues playing chords on the lower fret (cowboy chords), but the A string needs to be adjusted slightly.

In terms of tone, the Carvin has more bite and a hair brighter, with a bit more clarity. given the neck through design, I might expect this. BUT the Agile has a bit more growl and a classic shot of that Les Paul tonal element that the Carvin does not have. There is definitely a Les Paul tone to this guitar! Right now I feel no need to change the Agile pups out ... they are medium output. I really want to put some new strings on the Agile to really take the Carvin challenge (the strings looked new, but are likely very cheap). I will be trying this over the next couple of days.

Bottom line, if you like Les Pauls but don't want to spend the bucks, this is OUTRAGEOUSLY good value. This is NOT hype ... You cannot go wrong with an Agile 2800 !!!

So just a few reviews for you to think over.

Good luck man.
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