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Joined: 10/10/03
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Senior Member
Joined: 10/10/03
Posts: 203
10/29/2003 7:25 pm
Anyway, I'm going through John Petrucci's Rock Discipline and I notice that if he's playing on the high E string his fingers are bent more at the two end joints to compensate for not moving the wrist. You know what I mean? On the low E his fingers are stretched out, and on the high E they're cramped together closer to the palm and his wrist doesn't move. This is on his fretboard hand.

My question is: Anybody see any problems with keeping your fingers at a reletively equal length from the palm, even if you are on the high E string? ie. moving your hand back away from the neck as you go to the higher strings... because for me it feels better and I can whip out those scales faster than having the fingers cramped together.

(note: my wrist doesn't move while I'm playing either, but nor is it in the same position as Petrucci. It's slightly bent.)