Great bands with rubbish songs!

Any bands out there you feel have some great songs but have a bit too many rubbish songs too!! I duno if Im brave enough to share my opinions... Ill see what you guys think first.. :)
# 1

Guns N' Roses - one of my favourite bands yet theres so much half assed **** too. Such as My World, Back Off Bitch, Silkworms, Knockin On Heavens Door, Sympathy For The Devil (both great songs but I dont like GnRs version) etc.
# 2

Eh?!?! Ive never been so shocked in my life! Out of all the bands I like GnR Id say have the best good to bad song ratio! Back off Bitch has some excellent guitar soloing. That reply totally took me by surprise. Id say out the 60 or so Guns songs, theres about 40 that you could say were contender for favourite. Compare them to other bands like Lynyrd skynyrd where the majority of people like freebird and youl see they have many great songs. My World is just one of those things that they prolly done with a spare 20mins left in the studio, but its from a three hour long set of double albums! Guns n the only band I dont skip tracks on when listening too.
# 3

I have to agree, GNR is all killer and no filler! But i would say John Couger Mellencamp is one person who delievers such an award of half ass rubberish!
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 4
I think that Pearl Jam fits into this category perfectly. I love alot of their songs (Yellow Ledbetter is a classic). But they went off in some sort of weird direction that lost me. I liked their first 2 albums alot, but nothing really since then. Just a lot of crap that seems to be more politically conscious rather than musically conscious. My 2 cents.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
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# 5

Anyone heard of Buckcherry? They only made 2 albums with both some good songs and some really bad ones. As for the GnR covers, KOHD was one of the better versions. Claptons version was soooo sh*t n Avrils was pretty damn poor too. N Symapthy is just a great song which Guns did a good job with,
Remember, the chickens that fly will always beat the rubber plants that bounce!
# 6

Ugh, no I think GnR are one of those bands that shouldnt do covers, theyre a great band for originals but theyre covers were very half assed, tho I do like Slash's solos on KOHD, I dont like Axls singing one bit. As for Sympathy, I just dont think GnRs version lives up, tho it does fit into Interview With The Vampire in a way the Stones version couldnt. I prefer Jane's Addictions version myself. They also did a horrid version of Heartbreak Hotel, but I love some of the covers on The Spaghetti Incident(an album I refused to buy on principle til my girlfriend finally did), especially the Misfits and Johnny Thunders covers with Duff singing.
# 7
Here it is, the Ultimate rubbish song band:
Weighing in at about ten thousand pounds...
With two good songs...
Three-million five-hundred-thousand eighty-seven bad songs...
In the red Corner...
Weighing in at about ten thousand pounds...
With two good songs...
Three-million five-hundred-thousand eighty-seven bad songs...
In the red Corner...
# 8

well if meatloaf is in the red corner, im gonna have to say the blue corner goes to LENNY KRAVITZ. Can you say "are u gonna go my way....for about 10 years so i can make a decient career off of one song!" How he got to a 3 rd cd is beyond me!
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 9

I cant understand you not liking Knockin on Heavens Door, I think its got some of axls best vocals, he uses a raange of styles n its really cool. Also the guitar solos are awesome. I thin kthe spagetti incident is really misunderstood. Its really just an album they personally wanted to do, it wasnt supposted to blow people. It sevred a purpose which was to indroduce GnR fans to other genres, which it did for me.
# 10

I only like about 3 GnR songs because I can't stand Axl's voice. He ruins what would be good songs.
I think Bon Jovi are bad for making 70% garbage, Judas Priest made a lot of great songs but only about 2-3 per album. Ac/Dc have made a lot of poor songs since the mid 80's. The one band I liked every song by was Metallica till the Load album :(
I think Bon Jovi are bad for making 70% garbage, Judas Priest made a lot of great songs but only about 2-3 per album. Ac/Dc have made a lot of poor songs since the mid 80's. The one band I liked every song by was Metallica till the Load album :(
# 11
Don't think I need to explain , yeah ? ;)
Slayer ... Usualy , I don't find more than a couple of interesting tracks per album .
Dire Straits .... They's cool , but I don't think that I can name more than 3 songs that I really like.
Steve Vai !!
Although he's my favourite guitarist , but I don't like most tracks on his solo albums !
Come on Axl_Rose , share your opinions !!
Don't think I need to explain , yeah ? ;)
Slayer ... Usualy , I don't find more than a couple of interesting tracks per album .
Dire Straits .... They's cool , but I don't think that I can name more than 3 songs that I really like.
Steve Vai !!
Although he's my favourite guitarist , but I don't like most tracks on his solo albums !
Come on Axl_Rose , share your opinions !!
# 12

Candlebox, 7Mary3, Edwin Mccain
Of course there are plenty more, but its a Monday. Whadya expect.
Of course there are plenty more, but its a Monday. Whadya expect.
# 13

GnR have soooo many rubbish songs! Mainly because Axl ooverdoes his voice(Knockin' on Heaven's Door) And another band would be Van Halen.
If I leave here tomorrow,
Will you still remember me?
Will you still remember me?
# 14

I was quite a big Van Halen fan up until Diver Down and from there it all went a bit pear shaped. Link to Steve Vai, who started on a high with P & W and lost the plot a bit on Sex and Religion and whenever he started singing on slow numbers. Aerosmith came with a string of turkeys after Pump, in particular those power ballads written in cahoots with some of the naffest tunesmiths on the planet.
# 15