i would guess that this gets asked a lot but i cant seem to get a clear answer.. Im just starting to explore modes - seems like a good plan from what a lot of people have told me. Anyway ive gone and got all confused.
If im in the key of B, and i want to use the 2nd degree mode of the B scale - eg dorian, is it called B dorian, or would it be named as C# dorian? im guessing the later.. it kinda makes sense that way but i always thought it worked the other way! any help would be grand..
second thing.. are there any basic guidelines that i missed somewhere long the line about which modes work well over the various chords within the key? Or is it better to, for example, stick within one mode (eg if in the key of B minor go for the b minor scale / mode - whatever that would be named as "arrgh!" -and just vary the note you start on as the chords change underneath, eg Bm D G A
any ideas for modes to use with each of these chords would be great and why you would use them... I know its asking a lot but im just going round in circles with this one.
Cheers all! Much appreciated..
"This is way too much pressure!"