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Joined: 07/27/03
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Joined: 07/27/03
Posts: 280
10/14/2003 8:02 pm
thanks guys. it was just because last time a guitarist and a drummer(tey´re together in a band a said: "hey dude, you have a good technique[actually it is 3 times better than his], but you shouldn´t play so much from other bands or musicians, because this limits your creativity, and you won´t manage to make your own riffs or solos". i replied: if i play songs and solos from several bands or musicians this will develelop my creative side too, and that when i bigin to play people then I will start to get inspirations and so on and create a solo with my licks or several licks that i´ve used before in other solos and mix them together to a solo mayve in a jam session or something. and that when you are´nt playing more songs and solos from other people your technique won´t get much better"

he didn´t believe but i thought i was right. but anyway.
Just one thing left; I feel unconfortable with not copying it note for note or at least as accurate as possible, ecause i always want to play it like the artit himself did, because then the other guitarist would say for instanse;" he can´t play it like hammet did", and so on, so what should i do about that?