I Need a kick ass METAL distortion!

I'm in need of a seriously twisted metal distortion and I'm looking for any ideas you guyz have. Right now I'm using a zoom 1010 and . . . ahhh no! it aint workin for me!
# 1

I just got a Ibanez Bn-5 Black Noise Distortion a couple a weeks ago. Damn.. It's the best hard dist. I've heard. Blows Boss's Metal Zone outta the water. It's great for Industrial, to Korn, Deftones, even Death Metal type dist. Very bottem heavey...
p.s. It's best when you down tune, a whole step or more.. But don't get it for Metallica cus this pedal was made for hard and heavy guitar...
[This message has been edited by OldSkoolPunk (edited 08-11-2000).]
p.s. It's best when you down tune, a whole step or more.. But don't get it for Metallica cus this pedal was made for hard and heavy guitar...
[This message has been edited by OldSkoolPunk (edited 08-11-2000).]
Love is nothing more than mental illness...
# 2

# 3

Old Metallica new Metallica is soft rock compared to Death Metal, and Black Metal. Im a Metallica fan but, after listening to Cannibal Corpse, or Morbid Angel, they remind me of Poison or Dokken... Don't take me wrong Im not trying to start a flame or nothin, but after getting into Death Metal and stuff. It seams alot softer..
Love is nothing more than mental illness...
[This message has been edited by OldSkoolPunk (edited 08-11-2000).]
Love is nothing more than mental illness...
[This message has been edited by OldSkoolPunk (edited 08-11-2000).]
Love is nothing more than mental illness...
# 4
# 5

It's funny how I got my first CC Cd. I went to a local record store, for Marliyn Manson. Funny thing was they don't sell MM, but I was able to buy Cannibal Corpse's CD Vile..
See thing is I live in a small town, more like the sticks. So most any thing I want I must order. The worst is the nearest guitar store is an hour away...
Love is nothing more than mental illness...
See thing is I live in a small town, more like the sticks. So most any thing I want I must order. The worst is the nearest guitar store is an hour away...
Love is nothing more than mental illness...
Love is nothing more than mental illness...
# 6

Originally posted by OldSkoolPunk:
Old Metallica new Metallica is soft rock compared to Death Metal, and Black Metal. Im a Metallica fan but, after listening to Cannibal Corpse, or Morbid Angel, they remind me of Poison or Dokken... Don't take me wrong Im not trying to start a flame or nothin, but after getting into Death Metal and stuff. It seams alot softer..
hey man I'm thinkin' you should reread my question, I didn't say anything about Metallica in it I want a metal sounding distortion got any ideas?
# 7

Originally posted by OldSkoolPunk:
Old Metallica new Metallica is soft rock compared to Death Metal, and Black Metal. Im a Metallica fan but, after listening to Cannibal Corpse, or Morbid Angel, they remind me of Poison or Dokken... Don't take me wrong Im not trying to start a flame or nothin, but after getting into Death Metal and stuff. It seams alot softer..
Death and Black metal annoy me. Black metal isn't really heavy, it's more image (and lyrical imagery) than anything else. The singers all try to imitate King Diamond, going from an uneathly low note then going to a painfully high one in the same word. They all trytoo hard to be "evil" too, it actually ends up sounding funny most of the time.
Besides, tone-wise, ...And Justice for All's tone eats any Death/Black metal band's I've heard for lunch. In fact, most of those bands try to copy the old Metallica sound.
[This message has been edited by loner92 (edited 08-12-2000).]
# 8

1) get a half decent "distortion" pedal
2) put a "graphic equaliser" after it in your FX chain.
That way u can tweak the sound until it sounds exactly as u want it. Or kick the EQ in when your playing leads or chugging away at those 5ths
2) put a "graphic equaliser" after it in your FX chain.
That way u can tweak the sound until it sounds exactly as u want it. Or kick the EQ in when your playing leads or chugging away at those 5ths

# 9

i like to use a boss metal zone like marty freidman. But it seems like you want heaver try out the mesa boogie v twin if yu can find one.
He's totaly Mad,Crazy,Loony Toony And Even Offty Mc.Goofty!!.... I LIKE HIM!!!!!
Have You Been Drinking??
Yes I Have, Ive Been Drinking From the Well Of Eternal Sadness.
Have You Been Drinking??
Yes I Have, Ive Been Drinking From the Well Of Eternal Sadness.
# 10

Originally posted by Skank:
I'm in need of a seriously twisted metal distortion and I'm looking for any ideas you guyz have. Right now I'm using a zoom 1010 and . . . ahhh no! it aint workin for me!
Use an MXR Distortion pedal. The same one Randy Rhodes uses. Awesome.
# 11

Hmmm...I wouldn´t go for Josh advise(The V-Twin). It´s maybee heavy or so, but there is not much distortion in that preamp pedal.
I use the Caliber 50 (a Mesa/Boogie poweramp) to get a heavy sound. (I love this amp!!!). If you want a more heavy/deathish sound buy a Rectifier amp from Mesa/Boogie.
[This message has been edited by Johan (edited 08-27-2000).]
I use the Caliber 50 (a Mesa/Boogie poweramp) to get a heavy sound. (I love this amp!!!). If you want a more heavy/deathish sound buy a Rectifier amp from Mesa/Boogie.
[This message has been edited by Johan (edited 08-27-2000).]
/Johan Lindgren
# 12