what head and cab should i get

what head should i get? i need a head for about 500-600$ that will last pretty long. i know it isn't that much but i need it asap and i don't have much money. and same thing with the cab, around 500-600$. thanks.
# 1

On what continent do you live?
What kind of sound/style are you after?
How much versatility concerning the amount of different sounds plus switching between them do you require?
How big/loud of an amp do you need?
By answering these questions, the guys on here will be able to give you more detailed advice...
What kind of sound/style are you after?
How much versatility concerning the amount of different sounds plus switching between them do you require?
How big/loud of an amp do you need?
By answering these questions, the guys on here will be able to give you more detailed advice...
# 2
I think you can get a pretty cool Marshall AVT half stack within the amount of cash you mentioned.
# 3
Go to Rhinoamps.com
You can get an ALL TUBE head(the beast)for like around $600.There cabs are pretty cheap too.
You could also get a carvin MTS ALL TUBE stack around the same price at Carvin.com
Simply put...you can get an ALL TUBE amp instead of a solid state...unless you want a solid state...in that case check out Randall.
You can get an ALL TUBE head(the beast)for like around $600.There cabs are pretty cheap too.
You could also get a carvin MTS ALL TUBE stack around the same price at Carvin.com
Simply put...you can get an ALL TUBE amp instead of a solid state...unless you want a solid state...in that case check out Randall.
Try once,fail twice...
# 4