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Joined: 09/19/03
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Joined: 09/19/03
Posts: 25
10/13/2003 5:31 am
Originally posted by finger_cruncher
Wow, nice stuff Leadfootdriver!

Very impressive. That first tune...whoa, 8 mins! Very good though. Nice, smooth guitar playing, lots of harmonizing, and very interesting switch-up right in the middle of the tune. Great legatto, sweeping, etc. Only criticism is recording-quality..a bit of clipping....maybe a little hot, but considering everything, who cares. Very good stuff. Did you record everything yourself? What did you use for drums? Liked all your tunes. Got a cd?

Thanks brother. Clipping though??? Hmmm, I don't have any on the original, so I don't know what the deal is with that. But hey man, I'm glad you dug it! I don't have a full length CD for you. I guess I have enough stuff, but I want to release a disc with a real band.

I'm trying to get a live act together. We're doing some recording tomarrow, Tuesday, and Wedensday here at the crib. We still don't have a singer yet though. I'm thinking of doing it, but I don't have a voice at all. I wish I did though, 'cuz it would be so much easier that way. The rhythm section you heard on the those recordings were from a Boss DR-5. So yes to your question, I've been doing it all myself. Why not? Recording gear is so cheap now, and also so much better, AND easier to use. You can see pics of my goofy ass, along with others of my gear, and stuff, if you click on the "images" link on the site.

I remember when the first ADAT's came out about ten years ago. Now the recording scene has just exploded, especially with computers being so popular. It just makes sence. I talked to a real industry guy over the summer, and he said the big recording studios are starting to take a big hit now. Power to the people! That's why I decided to buy all this crap in the first place. Think about it. You pay all that money to record at a studio, and everybody has their hands out for cash. Plus you're under the gun to perform, and you have to get it right fast, or you pay even more. You don't really learn anything that way. You can get a recording program for like $40 clams now! All you need is a good converter to your computer, and maybe a mixer if you're recording more than just guitars.

Just go out and look at compressors, and pick one up for yourself. The Behringer stuff is good, and super cheap to boot. That's pretty much the biggest key to recording. It's all about keeping the levels even, so the mix sounds even, and things don't get quiet, or jump out and bite you.
