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Crime Fighter
Joined: 08/04/02
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Crime Fighter
Joined: 08/04/02
Posts: 1,518
10/08/2003 9:25 pm
On yeah it's definitely different. 'lol' Something I know we will all agree on. A trait all musicians have in there music is it is shaped by the music around them. Not only music but everything in life. So it could be the style of music at their period that makes someone what they are? If that's true, he could have been more of a archiac writer if he was a jazz player now. His style as we know definitely wouldn't be a hit in the jazz world today. Think he was able to adapt to his period so it is possible for him to have been able to adapt to this period as well. Probably not at the same level but he would have been someone to listen to. Since (this is something I believe) half a musicians abilities are from a birth (their creative style) and the other half from adapting (learning the style of music they want to play) in the world of music. I still don't agree or disagree but hearing what he would have done otherwise would still be interesting and (in my opinion) definitely different.
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.