Now I'm looking for anything at all that can help me learn more. I find learning from books a bit more challenging than learning from other people; However, i'll take anything I can use: websites, books, advice, etc. If any of you pros out there could help a 17 year old ametuer learn to do what he wants to do most, He's listening.
A Beginner; Seeking Advice from the Pros

About three months ago I became infatuated on the electric guitar and since have been trying to teach myself how to play. I found some old (very old) books in my grandpa's closet that taught me the basic chords, but that was really about it.
Now I'm looking for anything at all that can help me learn more. I find learning from books a bit more challenging than learning from other people; However, i'll take anything I can use: websites, books, advice, etc. If any of you pros out there could help a 17 year old ametuer learn to do what he wants to do most, He's listening.
Now I'm looking for anything at all that can help me learn more. I find learning from books a bit more challenging than learning from other people; However, i'll take anything I can use: websites, books, advice, etc. If any of you pros out there could help a 17 year old ametuer learn to do what he wants to do most, He's listening.
# 1

# 2

I have a site but it's not really for beginners. But you might bookmark it for future reference. Once you get scales, chords, soloing, songs, etc., ie., the basics down, and then if you want to try some experimental-type stuff, you might dig into some of the lessons. But, there are some articles there than anybody at any level might benefit from.
# 3
I wish I was a pro...
Anyway liquid...I strongly urge you to get a decent electric guitar.A good guitar makes a huge difference in learning and motivation.The better guitar you can get,the better.If you have a good electric,than thats great.
I also suggest you learn how to read tabliture.Its easier than learning to read music(way easier)and will allow you to still learn songs by yourself(if you have the tab for the song).
After you know how to read tabliture and chord charts(I assume you can read the chord charts)Learn your basic chords(you said you already did)scales and the notes on the fretboard.
heres a list of great songs that will challenge,motivate and impress.they contain the essential techniques(like sliding,hammer ons/pull offs,bends)that you need to know regardless of what style you plan to play.They will also build strength and accuracy.Youve heard some I'm sure.
Purple Haze(by Jimi Hendrix)
Fade To Black(by Metallica)
Stairway To Heaven(by Led Zepplin)
Crazy Train(by Ozzy)
Dont get discouraged and keep with it.Have FUN while learning.
Good luck...guitar will be the best thing that happened to you!
Anyway liquid...I strongly urge you to get a decent electric guitar.A good guitar makes a huge difference in learning and motivation.The better guitar you can get,the better.If you have a good electric,than thats great.
I also suggest you learn how to read tabliture.Its easier than learning to read music(way easier)and will allow you to still learn songs by yourself(if you have the tab for the song).
After you know how to read tabliture and chord charts(I assume you can read the chord charts)Learn your basic chords(you said you already did)scales and the notes on the fretboard.
heres a list of great songs that will challenge,motivate and impress.they contain the essential techniques(like sliding,hammer ons/pull offs,bends)that you need to know regardless of what style you plan to play.They will also build strength and accuracy.Youve heard some I'm sure.
Purple Haze(by Jimi Hendrix)
Fade To Black(by Metallica)
Stairway To Heaven(by Led Zepplin)
Crazy Train(by Ozzy)
Dont get discouraged and keep with it.Have FUN while learning.
Good luck...guitar will be the best thing that happened to you!
Try once,fail twice...
# 4
I'm not a pro, or even close for that matter, but I recommend that you get a guitar lessons if you can afford them.
# 5

Zentao is good site it'll get you around and then try playing some songs you like e.g. I started off with Offsprings ahh the memories...
# 6

If you want to learn more go to a instrutor "guitar teacher." IF you dont want to be thought, you want to learn yourself, go to one of the site they gave you, their both evenly good.
# 7

If you go to a teacher, make sure he'll teach you what you want to learn. If he's trying to teach you "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"! heh I went to one for a few months and it was mostly just learning a simple riff a week. After about 4 months, I stopped cause I also needed money. But one site that I absolutely LOVE and still practice from every day is It's got everything and I try to go through a lot of the exercises every day and I can already tell a huge improvement. Try that site. It's worked real great for me.
The best music out is not on the radio or MTV!!!
# 8
Originally posted by MetalMike
If you go to a teacher, make sure he'll teach you what you want to learn. If he's trying to teach you "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"!
finding a good teacher is a difficult task because you have to REALIZE weather he is good or not. that can be very hard. for example i saw a teacher once who had two students with exactly the same problem. but to the one he said a completely different solution than to the other. i was like "WTF?? is this guy drunk??". but amazingly enought it worked for both of em! untill i realized that he did not see the problem on its own, but also searched for a solution for that SPECIFIC student. a solution that fits for one person might be a complete nonsense for another. SUCH a teacher is worth GOLD!
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 9
Yeah, good teachers are hard to find, especially if you don't live in a populated area. Like Az said you want to find someone who see's you as an individual student. When I used to teach and I had someone who has been playing for awhile, I always had them play first to see their weaknesses and strenghts. You'll know if you got a good teacher if he/she takes note of this, and they should talk to you about it. Then guild you on a plan to make you better all around, remedying your weaknesses while stabalizing your strenghts. The rule "a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link" also applies to guitar. Since a song will probably use numerous techniques you can only play it as good as your weakest technique.
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.
# 10

Just from my exprience with guitar teachers, honestly, I only met arseholes.. hmmm can I say this on this forum?? :D Guitar teacher has to have personality not just skills. I met teachers with egos, man most of the guys are lost in their own little world. If you find a good teacher then lucky you. I like working alone but I do recommend you have someone like a friend who can show you bits you cannot play.
# 11
I remember a guitar teacher(berklee graduate...whooaaahh)I had that was knowlegeble in theory and had decent technique.She asked me what I wanted to learn and I quikly replied 'far beyond the sun' or 'black star' from yngwie and I was totally capable to learn either.She said he was too fast for her and in a dignified manner made me realize she didnt have that skill to play let alone teach such complex(fast)music...needless to say I soon left.
Teachers are good if you want to learn theory or get some direction in styles you dont play or like,but thats about it.
Teachers are good if you want to learn theory or get some direction in styles you dont play or like,but thats about it.
Try once,fail twice...
# 12
Yeah. I've meet alot of arseholes myself and frankly they weren't that good to begin with, they just thought they were. I had one guy who also taught but he would play the guitar more than the student would. I believe you can learn the bulk of the guitar on your own, but it's always nice to have someone help you were you are having troubles at. Even tricks and stuff. About learning yngwie from someone, good luck finding someone who can personally teach you that. I'm sure you could have learned something by just sitting down with that person for a session or two, not speed but maybe something else that you didn't think of. You can learn alot by jamming with alot of different people.
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.
# 13
Originally posted by andy82
Just from my exprience with guitar teachers, honestly, I only met arseholes.. hmmm can I say this on this forum?? :D Guitar teacher has to have personality not just skills. I met teachers with egos, man most of the guys are lost in their own little world. If you find a good teacher then lucky you. I like working alone but I do recommend you have someone like a friend who can show you bits you cannot play.
My teacher is lost in his own little world, but that's because he's a space cadet, not an egotist. He's a great guy, and an amazing classical guitarist. But his blues, rock, and jazz are great too. Man, that guy really whoops up on me as far as actual skill goes, but he would never say anything, and would NEVER show off unless I asked him to. He's one crazy cat, and a nice guy, but certainly not an egotist.
# 14

I remember I had a really good teacher once who said he could teach me any song I wanted to learn in an hour, so I brought him a cassette (yes I said cassette those were before CD's for those of you who don't remember them.) of Extreme's song "Stop the World". I figured with all the weird jazz chords I would make him earn his hourly rate. He kept his word and taught me the song in an hour, but I distinctly remember hearing him mutter "a$$hole" as he was trying to pick the chords by ear... :)
So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?
# 15

I have been going to the sight and I would have to say that is a good sight to help you out.
"I use heavy strings,
tune low, play hard and
floor it. Floor it.
That's technical talk.
tune low, play hard and
floor it. Floor it.
That's technical talk.
# 16