let it ring......

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Joined: 07/16/03
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Registered User
Joined: 07/16/03
Posts: 41
08/28/2003 7:04 pm
hmm ok heres something im having problems with and its beginning to get on my nerves, im hoping someone can help.

when im playing lead, or even in some more 'rythm' type parts its all sounding very lumpy in places, even when my fingering and picking isnt too far off the mark (if at all).

Exmple: The opening chords to Steve Vai's "Tender Surrender"

I cant seem to get the notes to flow together niceley. I think that whenever i slide the chord up or down i kind of choke the note instead of getting that nice smooth gliding-one-note-into-the-other kind of sound. So maybe my question is more related to "any advice for sliding?" I get the same problem sometimes doing always with me always with you by satch, but its far less of a problem with single notes.

Anyone ever had similar prpoblems? The other classic example of when i have this is trying to play 'manhatten' by eric johnson.. same story, i get loads of sustain from my guitar, but whenever i slide the notes kinda vanish and dont remain very well untill i pick the next note. Is the key perhaps lighter finger pressure? Any help would be great folks..

[Edited by Tweak on 08-28-2003 at 02:55 PM]
"This is way too much pressure!"
# 1
Number of the Beast
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Joined: 08/26/03
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Number of the Beast
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Joined: 08/26/03
Posts: 118
08/28/2003 10:40 pm
Sounds like you may not be holding the bar down hard enough, or you eat sticky food every time you're about to play and you just can't quite slide it right (I'm placing my bets on the first one though)
If I could be a solo...I think I'd be Eruption...
# 2

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