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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
Posts: 5,021
08/28/2003 4:36 pm
Teachers weren't teaching on 9/11, trust me, I'm a student. We all sat in class, watching the ****ing news. My god, I was about to start praying when she got sent down to the office; What does that tell the rest of the class?"

Sorry didn’t realize that was on 9/11, however I still don’t think it was empty space that killed all of those people! Once nothing is doing something, is it still nothing or a thing doing something (in other words not nothing)?

I also don’t think political correctness is bull. It is taken too far sometimes but it is like etiquette, it provides a platform from which people can communicate with out inadvertently offending some one they don’t know very well. However like Hyacinth Bucket, it is easy to make a mockery of a system that relies on curtsy and common sense!

Please don’t think Im defending the (un?)Patriot act, Im not and I really do hope the despicable Chaneys and Ashcrofts are stopped by any legal means !!

Check this out blood for oil, no blood for bricks

[Edited by Dr_simon on 08-28-2003 at 11:42 AM]
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