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Incidents Happen
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Incidents Happen
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Joined: 12/23/01
Posts: 1,625
08/28/2003 4:21 pm
Originally posted by Dr_simon

Also this legislation doesn’t stop people talking about religion; it just stops it being forced on people. Remember that thing about freedom of speech!

Why do you believe that this legislation will kill religion, do you need to be taught it in school to have faith? Im not religious but I think this idea is absurd! Maybe you think intellectual life stops after school, let me assure you it doesn’t!

Teachers weren't teaching on 9/11, trust me, I'm a student. We all sat in class, watching the ****ing news. My god, I was about to start praying when she got sent down to the office; What does that tell the rest of the class?

Yeah, I understand that right now, we're filled with Right-Wing Bible pushers; and take into consideration that not everything happens in a period of 2 years. What I'm saying is that this is an example of a long and winding spiral of politically correct bull****, which will eventually lead to all of this. Keep in mind that, just because right now we have bible pushers, doesn't mean we always will.

You don't need to be taught in school to have faith, but right from the get-go, kindergarten through 12th grade, you are taught not to pray in school; not to pray during your free time in school; not to bring any religious beliefs into school; not to even mention god in school.

So you don't believe an empty space has no blast? There's nothing out of nothing? You don't believe that there can be a full blast of emptiness? After all, emptiness is the feeling of nothing, and nothing comes out of nothing, right? You don't believe that a full force of non-existence can possibly happen? How about 9/11, 2,500-3,000 people died,became non-existent, yet we felt it. It can happen to religion, too.

You're making the assumption that I believe all of these things will happen under our current laws; Let me assure you, they won't; The United States Patriot Act, and many acts like it, will proceed through congress, effectively killing our first amendment rights. Did you know that the government has the right to arrest you for disagreeing with Government policy? Yeah, That's the patriot act. How about the fact that they can arrest you without a judge or jury, or a lawyer, for as long as it takes. Hey, lets see how many amendments we can **** with! They can check out all of your private information, and otherwise classified information, without a warrant; They can check out the books you've been reading, the movies you've watched, the websites you went on, without a warrant. This is the start of things to come, if it continues for the next 20 years.
