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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
Posts: 5,021
08/28/2003 3:50 pm
This is a non-sense

"See, Dr., the full blast of non-existent religions won't happen"

How can something non existent have a full blast ? It doesn’t exist !!!!
Think about what you are saying!

Also this legislation doesn’t stop people talking about religion; it just stops it being forced on people. Remember that thing about freedom of speech!

Why do you believe that this legislation will kill religion, do you need to be taught it in school to have faith? Im not religious but I think this idea is absurd! Maybe you think intellectual life stops after school, let me assure you it doesn’t!

"People in America are simply not very religious anymore;"

I also don’t believe this statement; the White hose if full of right wing Christian fundamentalists, and if that thought doesn’t make you fill you pants I don’t know what will!

"a girl in my science class was praying. You know what they did to her? Sent her down to the office, lectured her, sent her back to class in tears."

Maybe she wasn’t paying attention to what the teacher was telling her ! I suspect Devine intervention will not alter her grades when she writes, “sorry I cant answer this question I was talking to god” on her test.
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