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Incidents Happen
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Incidents Happen
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Joined: 12/23/01
Posts: 1,625
08/28/2003 2:25 pm
Originally posted by Dr_simon
Incidents, I don’t agree with you at all.

Imagine the outcry of the general public had there been a giant copy of the Koran in the rotunda, especially after preachers have been preaching (in the pentagon no less) that it is an evil book.

Members of the US Gov. accepts a lot on money from different Christian churches for things like accommodation etc etc. non of it is official but it looks a lot like a back hander to my eyes !

I just can’t see a big statue of Lord Ganish or Krishna in an official government US building!

[Edited by Dr_simon on 08-28-2003 at 07:23 AM]

See, Dr., the full blast of non-existent religions won't happen until a law is passed to stop the acceptance of money from religious groups to political members. After that happens (and it will), it's only a matter of time.

And thats the thing: There will be no religious figures (hence a true government 'neutral status on religion) at all being represented, ever, so it will slowly kill religion. Look at it today, what has already happened; Prayer out of school, bibles out of school, all religious speech out of school, etc. Yes, that is seperation of church and state, and I understand our federal laws; By not allowing kids to speak of it in school is outrageous, however. I am not a religious person at all, but I believe humans need to have hope, for a better society, for an afterlife, for this and that; it's essential for the human race.

People in America are simply not very religious anymore; it's dying out. I don't think my family even has a bible, and if we do, I'm unaware of it's location. Some places will remain religious, like the Middle-East, where they are allowed to pray fifteen thousand times a day (jk:D;):) five times a day), but in a place where they teach you that praying is not acceptable, right out from childhood, does that encourage people to pray when they get home, or pray after work? It teaches kids right out from the start, that something is wrong with praying. After 9/11, a girl in my science class was praying. You know what they did to her? Sent her down to the office, lectured her, sent her back to class in tears. What the **** is that? Minding her own business, she wasn't giving a sermon, she was keeping to herself. I wouldn't be suprised if they confiscate religious material; I haven't seen anyone bring it to school, but I know for a fact that it's strongly discouraged. No children, although you aren't forcing anyone into your own beliefs, we want you to keep your beliefs at home, because it might upset people; that about sums up the politically correct bull**** that goes on in today's world.

"I'm glad to see it go"

Why is that? You feel better now that one less religious statue is here? They will all be gone, someday, and we'll wonder what the fuss was about; we'll lose sight of what Moses looked like, what Jesus looked like, what Mahammad (sp; whatever) looked like, because gradually, all pictures of religious icons will fade. I don't know about where you guys live, but churches are already starting to close down; the Catholic church is dying, every day. Two catholic churches in my city have closed down already (i live in the suburbs, but the city that it's near); a city of about 37,000 people, is now rejecting a faith. All across America, we're rejecting at least one faith. What I've found is that those who reject the Catholic religion, who used to be religious catholics, simply do not go to church; they don't find a new religion, they simply stay home on sundays. "After all, if the Catholics are that sick, who knows about those Methodists?"; I think that sums up, in my opinion, the thought process that these people have.
