View post ("Thou shall not" gone!)

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Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
08/27/2003 5:18 pm
I had to post on this...
If you didn't know,the(in a big deep voice)"Ten Commandments" monument display has been taken down in alabama from the judicial building.Not a big whoop for me,but my elders in the family have been going on and making a fuss about this.Is it just me or are the big ten(exept for a few of them)just common sense?Any person with a shred of decency follows at least 4-5 of them.A large part of America strives to follow them all(and fails hard).
Some would find this a political subject(half of it is),but for everyone I know it has been deeply personal.Share your thoughts.
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