Ain't nothin' but a Gear thang, baby!
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You pretty much summed it up there. One thing, though. When I say Dimebag is a better metal guitarist I don't mean that just because he plays heavier riffs. I guess you could say Dimebag has more "memorable" riffs. There's another word I wanted to use but couldn't think of it. For example; how many people do you know that can hum the guitar riff from "Enter Sandman" by Metallica. Almost anyone that's heard the song. Same thing with "Crazy Train". But Dimebag puts together really solid metal riffs and he really doesn't get a whole lot of credit for his rythm playing. Almost any Pantera song has a really good and catchy metal riff to it. That reminds me, just listen to the new Pantera song off of the Dracula 2000 soundtrack. I'm not saying that Dimebag is a real technical player, because he's not. What I'm saying is he can turn nothing into something (ie. "Walk"). That's one of the simplest riffs I've heard and yet he makes it work. I don't think Dimebag is something really incredible, I just love what he does for metal. I know there's a lot more great riffs than "Crazy Train" by the way, I just can't think of them right now.