View post (Being indespensable and self promotion hesitation)

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Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
08/21/2003 9:21 pm
Yep,I play guitar,I'm good at bass and a regular joe shmoe on drums.Ive been hesitant to start whoaring myself to the band positions that are around out of sheer lack of confidence in my ability.Ive observed two types of bands.
1:A band that sits around and doodles,gets no material done and takes music as anything but serious or real.
2:A band that is gigging furiously,has major ego problems(usually the frontman)and come off intimidating even though they dont know what the hell there talking about.
Its tough to explain...
To put it the best way possible...I feel Expendable.
It feels as if being a guitarist comes with little opportunity and that you should feel "privileged" to be "let" into a band.Rock,Metal,Punk and most any type of music is guitar driven...but still the demand is low.
A solution I had was dedicate some time/money to getting bass+drum gear and learn em' till I drop.I would then be able to seemingly always have work.If the band didnt need me anymore,I could give them the finger and move to a cozy drummer position and so on.
I just wanted your thoughts on this odd mode of thought.

Try once,fail twice...