Trying to dial up this trashy, verb-y, modulated guitar tone like this song "repetitioner" by thus love ITB. I've tried using my ears, tried using my eyes with pro-q3 to match and analyze the eq differences, just cannot seem to get it. I've high-passed at ~400hz, goosed the highs with a shelf but end up with too much fizz, tried verbs and delays both as inserts and sends but they don't sound quite as "big and washy." Suggestions? I mean the band does not sound hi-fi in the least so I feel like I should be able to approximate with a DI?
Guitar tone like band Thus Love

It might be double tracked, which would give it depth & fullness you can't get any other way. I'm not sure how that original tone was captured, but it could also be a jangly Strat or Jag into some delay or reverb unit into (most importantly) a loud clean amp that just on the edge of breakup. It's very difficult to get that kind of result from any direct input setup.
Hope that helps!

Use distortion or overdrive to add texture and roughen the sound instead of just boosting the highs, avoiding being too "fizzy." Add reverb with a long decay time and a little pre-delay to create a sense of space, combined with modulated reverb to add a unique touch to the sound. Use tape delay with modulation to create a soft, “washy” sound. Finally, instead of cutting the low end completely at 400Hz, try lowering it to around 200-250Hz to retain some depth, and cutting it gently around 2-4kHz to avoid sounding too sharp.