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05/10/2024 1:26 am

Since GT seems to be continually going downhill with the new songs they've been offering us over the last several months I'm curious to know how many members are considering cancelling their subscriptions.  

# 1
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05/10/2024 2:02 am
#1 Originally Posted by: Bobk42

Since GT seems to be continually going downhill with the new songs they've been offering us over the last several months I'm curious to know how many members are considering cancelling their subscriptions.  

Not me.

# 2
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09/03/2024 7:41 pm

I also noticed a decline in sound quality, I am actually considering canceling the subscription because it isn't worth it for me. 

# 3
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09/06/2024 2:28 am

Why is it important to you what other people are going to do?

# 4
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11/25/2024 11:47 pm
#4 Originally Posted by: JamisRider2013

Why is it important to you what other people are going to do?

Why do you care why I'm curious?


# 5
William MG
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William MG
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11/26/2024 1:49 am

I’m still here. It’s not a lot of money and offers a lot of easy access conveniences. 

I had stopped using the song catalog a while back, subscribing to Sheet Music Direct instead  

My issue Bob is how poor the forum has become. I think they should limit it to full access members to cut down on the junk. 

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 6
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12/27/2024 5:36 pm
#6 Originally Posted by: William MG

I’m still here. It’s not a lot of money and offers a lot of easy access conveniences. 

I had stopped using the song catalog a while back, subscribing to Sheet Music Direct instead  

My issue Bob is how poor the forum has become. I think they should limit it to full access members to cut down on the junk. 

You're right about it not being a lot of money and also about how bad the forum has become. My feeling is that a lot of members jumped ship after the huge loss of songs from the library.  Truthfully that's the only reason I'm still a member. I cancelled my subscription once already only to later change my mind and come back again because I hadn't learned all the songs I was working on.  I'm in the same boat again, already cancelled my current subscription which will end this March but still dragged my ass and didn't learn all the songs yet.  Since there's no option to extend my current subscription I'll have to let it expire and rejoin again.  If they give me the current price of $99 I'll most likely be back for one more year.

# 7

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