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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,406
04/08/2024 11:27 am
#1 Originally Posted by: abernathybenjaminallen


I started with guitar tricks a few months ago and it took a while but I eventually finished guitar fundamentals 1 with Anders and I’m almost done with course 2.  For the past few weeks I’ve had a practice routine that consists of Exercises, Chords, Cover and Full songs, and Songwriting, (though recently I’ve been swapping out chords with arpeggiation). Each block is 15 minutes as I only have about an hour of practice time. I fear this practice routine isn’t effective so I’m wondering if anyone here has any recommendations for my skill set. I saw the old corse with Lisa had a practice routine but as I am not taking her course I don’t know if it will apply. 



Hey & congrats on working through the Fundamentals courses!  Typically the best path forward is to pick a style course & then focus on some songs you'd like to learn because playing songs is an important goal.  That's why we learn all the skills & ideas, to put them into practice playing music.

In order to use your time most effectively it's important to get as specific & clear as possible about your goals.  What are you trying to accomplish?  Is there a specific style of music you want to play?  A specific skill or idea you'd like to get better at?  Get clear about your goals & make them a priority in your practice routine.

For example, if you want to play blues licks, then start working on the Blues course, learn some simple blues songs, start working on chords, riffs & licks used in blues.  Or, if you want to write your own songs, then learn & study the songs that inspire you.  Learn the ideas, chords & techniques used in those songs & try to imitate them.

Hope that helps!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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