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William MG
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Joined: 03/08/19
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William MG
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Joined: 03/08/19
Posts: 1,659
04/08/2024 1:34 am

Any practice routine will work as long as it's applied consistently and you are allowing a reasonable amount of time, you are with an hour.

It sounds like you have a pretty good routine down already. 15 minutes for exercises seem too much for me. I don't do any, but that's me. 

I don't see scales, so if you aren't practicing them now you might want to dig into practicing scales over a jam track.

Awesome to see you have including song writing. There isn't a more practical way to learn theory that I can think of. Do your songs include both chord progressions and solos?

You might want to add fretboard training at some point so you know the notes.

Down the road you might to look at ear training, finding a song on the guitar by ear.

The measure of the routine is if you are progressing and this is a lifetime study. Have fun with it and let the instrument open you up to new rabbit holes. 


This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!