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08/19/2003 8:36 pm
I've never played either of them, except I have Fender Bass. They are both overpriced, and a lot of that is buying just the name. I wouldn't mind having a Gibson Les Paul or a Fender Strat, but thats just not what I'm into right now. So I say neither. GO CARVIN!
# 1
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08/20/2003 3:00 am
Originally posted by The Other One
Ok remember guys i just wanted to know your opinion on the guitars of Fender and Gibson and if you favored one over the other....
I thought I made it plain enough - I've had more than one of each, and I didn't keep any of 'em. :p
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# 2
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08/20/2003 6:26 pm
I don't care what Strat you hand me, I don't like them. But the '52 Tele Reissue is one of the best-feeling necks I've ever played. However, NO GUITAR beats the Gibson Les Paul Classic with the 496R/500T. It's simply the sweetest-playing guitar. I feel so much more talented with that guitar. Every note just falls into place. The fingerboard action is to die for, and the pickups just sing with sustain. One can be had for $500 or so on Ebay, and I think I'm long overdue. You can't hardly buy a better guitar for that money. I'm saving for one the instant I get my bigger amp.

After all that, though, I say Gibson comes out with an edge. Winner: GIBSON. But it was a close one.
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# 3
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08/21/2003 7:14 am
It wouldnt be fair without posting this....

Standard Fender Strat-$350

Standard Gibson LP-$2000

those are the approximate prices from musiciansfriend.com
Fender wins the price game.Even the high end strats are around a grand.

As for whats the better playing brand...
I would give Gibson the crown for smooth playing.I'd love an SG Supreme in Fire burst finish or an LP with a flamed maple top.I would never spend that much money on a guitar in my financial situation though(poor).Bah,I'll just go get one of the new B.C Rich 2003 N.J series axes.Ebony fretboard,mahogony body and the new Speedloader bridge...For under $700...I'm sold.
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# 4
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08/21/2003 9:42 pm
I know when I went into the store to buy a guitar (I was determined to get one that very day) that I walked around the whole store and looked at em' all... Gibsons, Yamahas... I-been-had's (Ibanez hehe) peavys... I caught my strat hanging on the wall.. just loved it from the moment I picked it up and that's all she wrote. For me it wasn't that it was the awe inspiring strat or the fender name.. for that matter it could have been called the "****box" but it just spoke to me. I know if any of you know what I mean but that's kinda what I do with most things. If I see it and I like it, ya just know that it's yours.. no, I'm not some hippy fag or a deep person.. I could double for shallow hal but like I said.. I got that axe and I haven't looked back. I'll look into a gibson one day but for now FENDER ALL THE WAY!!!!

remember kids, it's opinions here so no slammin the poster =)
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# 5
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08/21/2003 10:55 pm
I am the same way when it comes to a Strat, can't play them. I just don't like them. Tele's "speak" to me. I find they are much easier to play, stay in tune, and faster to play. Mind you, I just bought an Epi LP and its different from the Tele, but not better, not worse. They are used for different things. I liek the LP for soloing and the Tele for chord rythm, and both are fun for riffs.
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# 6
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08/22/2003 5:44 am
Originally posted by The Other One
ok guys enough with the 'its all personal taste' s**t i asked for YOUR opinions

I prefer gibson (specifically Les Pauls) because of their fat, bassy tone, and their beautiful quilted maple, although i have a plain white squier stratocaster (S/S/H) and I must say it is a great guitar...I still prefer LP's...

Have respect for those that choose to spend their own time posting on your thread.

As a discriminating guitarist in tone, I don't really like either. I play a Gibson Les Paul Double CutAway +, which is a fabulous guitar, but personally, I'm not a fan of mass produced guitars. That's my personal opinion; I don't see the point of this thread.

# 7
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08/22/2003 5:52 am
I've played both, and well I don't really like either. The Gibson has a nice fat tone, but is waaaaaaaaay too heavy for my taste. (Les Paul) I've owned a Fender Squier and it was a great starter guitar, but the high end Fenders aren't that great. The necks are too big for my liking.

So, neither. :/
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# 8
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08/24/2003 10:54 pm
I love the Fender Strat, I've played alot of Les Pauls, and apart from their nice neck and thick body and scary prices, they're not special. Each guitarist suits their own guitar for their own style, and the Fender Strat is for me.
# 9
concrete chaos
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08/25/2003 1:06 am
Yea 'digit' i have a fender strat [with floyd rose] and the volume knob keeps getting in the way when i want to PM the bottom strings, mostly.

ive never tried a gibson, but i expect a les paul or an sg as my next guitar....someday haha

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# 10
concrete chaos
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concrete chaos
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08/25/2003 1:33 am
what happened to the gothic series, of the gibson ?? i cant find em on the site.
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# 11
Number of the Beast
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08/26/2003 11:40 pm
I like the fender strat, because it can be used to play basically anything, and it sounds wicked awesome with a whammy bar...but I like the les Paul better because it's probably the best sounding guitar I've ever played, it's my baby and I love it.
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# 12
Number of the Beast
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08/28/2003 1:20 am
Ok, I've noticed a LOT of strat fans and LesPaul zealots, but you've got to admit that, being a guitar that's always played second fiddle the strat, the telocaster can be a fantastic guitar.
If I could be a solo...I think I'd be Eruption...
# 13
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08/28/2003 1:28 am
Well since Kramer is now a Gibson company and I am after all a "Kramer" fan, my alliegence falls toward the Gibson side of the fence... BUT...

You would NEVER catch me paying those outrageous prices they try to get for any Les Paul... They are heavy, they feel funny to me (too used to the compound radius neck), and hell, even Jimmy Page walks slightly tilted because of the damned things...

Likewise I don't think I would ever buy a top routed instrument like a Strat, just because I am not a fan of guitars with large pickguards...

Now I am a fan of the Les Paul Jr. though.. One humbucker, one knob, thin body... and a steal at $499.00... Hell you can't get a decent Epiphone for that, and you get the prestigious Gibson moniker.
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# 14
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08/28/2003 1:31 am
Originally posted by hairbndrckr

hell, even Jimmy Page walks slightly tilted because of the damned things...

or was he drunk !
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# 15

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