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Slow Diver
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Joined: 02/27/02
Posts: 379
Slow Diver
Registered User
Joined: 02/27/02
Posts: 379
08/12/2003 7:31 am
what I like about this year 2002/2003 is that we have many of the stars of the 90s. Pretty much everybody who did not passed away released an album this year.Audioslave, Zwan, Jane's Addiction are the first who appear in my mind.Many people blame these bands for going too comercial. I personally don't care.It is evident that there always will be rock bands in the charts and I really prefer these bands to be like Audioslave, Zwan, Janes not like Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit or worse - like The White Stripes, The Strokes, The Darkness(Oh i particularly hate these guys) and all the The ________s type of bands. It is really importanant for people to realize that there MUST be quality artists in the charts because of the educational role(that does not sound good) that charts have. I know that people who post on this board (well the majority of them) are grown up enoug not to care about such things. But there are kids who are being influenced and I prefer Chris Cornel, Billy Corgan and Perry Farrel to tell them whats right and whats wrong.
Well this was offtopic but has some relation. I just had this argument with a friend of mine who says that guys like the mentioned should retire, because they have nothing to
offer, they repeat themselves, want only to make lots of money and blah blah blah.

The world is loaded, it's lit to pop, nobody is gonna stop!