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Big as Elvis, Baby
Joined: 11/29/01
Posts: 899
Big as Elvis, Baby
Joined: 11/29/01
Posts: 899
08/10/2003 6:28 am
I really don't know of any online articles, you may be able to find it in articles concerning Gibson set-ups, but no telling how many you'll have to wade thru to see much discussion about it, maybe a search on Dan Erlewine might turn up something on it, but I don't know how much you'll find on this subject........ This was one of the first problems I ever had to solve when I bought my first decent electric guitar, it sounded great but bending up a whole step was killing me, my friend had a Les Paul and his just felt like butter, I looked his guitar over and saw his tailpiece was raised up a bit, mine was screwed down tight to the body, I raised mine up and shazam, bent as smooth as his, his Les Paul was brand new (80) and hadn't been fooled with since it had been purchased as far as I know, I've really never went around and inspected a bunch of LP's to see if there was much difference in the tailpiece height, and as far as I know the factory doesn't mess with the tailpiece when they do the inital set-up............