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Joined: 01/16/23
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Joined: 01/16/23
Posts: 14
11/16/2023 8:11 pm
#3 Originally Posted by: ChristopherSchlegel

What chord are you trying to play here?  My first thought is to use your pinky for the higher frets.  But I'm not exactly sure what you are trying play.

In general you can try to improve finger strength & dexterity.  These tutorials can help with that task.

But there is frequently a way to voice any given chord in a way that makes it more efficient or easier to play.

Hope that helps!


Hello Christopher,

it's not a chord but the partiture of "Forbidden games"

As you can see his half barre is not perfectly vertical, but mine is almost at 45° when I put the ring finger on the freatboard. šŸ˜¢