View post (Are the Stones the only artist you can add?)

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Joined: 01/08/08
Posts: 64
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Joined: 01/08/08
Posts: 64
07/17/2023 1:32 pm
#16 Originally Posted by: ScubaCPA

There is already a ton of style and technique lessons on the site.  Probably more than one person could ever hope to do.  And they are good and have helped me tremendously in my journey!  I have done a lot, and intend to do more (of what's already there).  So ... we don't need more technique.  What we need are more songs!  (and not redos of already existing songs* or obscure songs that we never heard of).  Yes ... songs.  Songs that our friends and family will recognize.  Songs to use the techniques learned. Isn't playing songs the reason we learn the techniques?  

* I has been explained to me that one of the reasons you are redoing existing songs is to have them in higher quality video.  I personally don't care about that.  I can learn from low resolution video just as well as high.

Thank you.

Agree 100%, couldn't have said it better myself.