[Edited by metallica_boy on 08-02-2003 at 01:04 PM]
Hi i'm new here!!!

Hi I'm new here, and new to the guitar, sould you give me some tips?
[Edited by metallica_boy on 08-02-2003 at 01:04 PM]
[Edited by metallica_boy on 08-02-2003 at 01:04 PM]
# 1

# 2

Welcome to the board! I'm kinda new here to.
As far as advice. hmm. I don't know. Just learn whatever you can. I promise it won't hurt your playing at all. Sometimes i'll just randomly look through a guitar magazine and learn a random lick. No matter who the artist/band is. Just to keep it interesting. And once again welcome!
As far as advice. hmm. I don't know. Just learn whatever you can. I promise it won't hurt your playing at all. Sometimes i'll just randomly look through a guitar magazine and learn a random lick. No matter who the artist/band is. Just to keep it interesting. And once again welcome!
A condemning fear strikes down, Things they cannot understand..An exscuse to cover up weaknesses that lie within.
# 3
Welcome to the world of the guitar dude, make sure you check out some of the tricks on the site, don't just read the forum :)
Learn some chords and practice changing them....if you're already doing that, look at the scales too. If you want a starting point, Schmange has a good section on scales posted on the trick section (Metallica like the pentatonic scale and thats a good one to start with) Make sure you practice slowly to begin with using the 'box shapes' and gradually work your way to learning it up and down the fretboard. Learn which chords you can play scales over (try the E pentatonic over E, A and B....thats a basic blues pattern.)
Learn some chords and practice changing them....if you're already doing that, look at the scales too. If you want a starting point, Schmange has a good section on scales posted on the trick section (Metallica like the pentatonic scale and thats a good one to start with) Make sure you practice slowly to begin with using the 'box shapes' and gradually work your way to learning it up and down the fretboard. Learn which chords you can play scales over (try the E pentatonic over E, A and B....thats a basic blues pattern.)
'There's no such thing as bad weather, there's only the wrong clothes...'
# 4

Hello welcome to the board, look around theres lots of good tips from posts people make here.
# 5

Being new to the forum doesn't necessarily you're new to the guitar;if Slash(the real one) signed up,he'd be new to the forum too(btw,he doesn't know what he's missing :) ).
Point is,if you gave folks here an idea of how good or bad you are,they'd know how to respond.Or maybe ask soem specific questions(some general questions might enable some to know how specific they need to get).Then you could get help.There's lots lurking around,only it isn't exactly systematic.
And yeah,wellocme to the forum.
And just as being new to the forum doesn't necessarily you're new to the guitar,being old here doesn't mean you're any good;I may be a "senior member,but,boy,you should hear me play.:rolleyes:
Point is,if you gave folks here an idea of how good or bad you are,they'd know how to respond.Or maybe ask soem specific questions(some general questions might enable some to know how specific they need to get).Then you could get help.There's lots lurking around,only it isn't exactly systematic.
And yeah,wellocme to the forum.
And just as being new to the forum doesn't necessarily you're new to the guitar,being old here doesn't mean you're any good;I may be a "senior member,but,boy,you should hear me play.:rolleyes:
# 6